
John Murray - Professional Angler - Spring City, Tennessee

Violetta Talley - Professional Angler - South Elgin, Illinois

 William Holub - Competitive Angler - Mapleton, IL.

Kit Coryell - Competitive Angler - Manito, Illinois

Delaney Platt - College Angler - Braceville, Illinois

Wes Johnson - Competitive Angler - Spring Bay, Illinois

Jim Anderson Competitive Angler - Blue Grass, Iowa

Brady Barth - Bartonville, Illinois

Kent Calvetti - East Peoria, Illinois

Josh Karcz - Decatur, Illinois

Heidi Adams - Wilmington Illinois

Jose Zamora - Tremont, Illinois

Ethan Livingston - Bloomington, Illinois

Adam Freeman - Pekin, Illinois

Savannah Kolba - Savannah Kolba Outdoors

Jim Kolba - Springfield, IL.












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